The Design Process

Each homeowner desires a garden suitable to his/her own vision and each property has its own unique qualities and issues. The design process will provide clarity, direction, focused attention and efficiency to your project. The following list outlines that process and reveals what you can expect from me.

Initial Contact - determines homeowner needs and concerns

On-Site Consultation

  • Assess property’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Suggest solutions to problematic issues
  • Suggest hardscape and plant materials
  • Sketch rough layouts
  • Refer licensed contractors if needed

Design Development

  • Measure property and generate informational Base Map based on site analysis
  • Create Concept Plans that provide inspiring alternatives to develop the space
  • Focus creative ideas into a single Master Plan
  • Provide elevation and perspective sketches of design elements
  • Enhance ambiance by carrying style throughout the planting layout

Associated Contractors

  • Past the Gate (Greg Wrenn)
  • EarthLines Landscape Co. (Ray Moshy)
  • Acorn Landscaping, Inc. (Andy Packer)
  • Diablo Valley Landscape (Jim O'Brien)